
Toshiba tecra m3 laptop battery tips :

  • Do not short-circuit . A short-circuit may cause severe damage to your toshiba  tecra m3 battery, so do not setting a metaillic object on your Toshiba tecra m3 battery connect metal .
  • Although rechargeable toshiba-satellite-m70-battery may be refreshed by charging, they still suffer degradation through usage, so please buy a replacement for your tecra m3 battery.
  • Do not charged to higher voltages than its threshold voltage, as it would become unsafe.overcharging is likely, which will damage the toshiba-tecra-m2-battery.
  • Batteries can lose 8 to 20 percent of their original charge every year at a temperature of about 20°-30°C. The rate of the side reactions is reduced if the batteries are stored at low temperature.
  • Don't disassemble or attempt to open the battery charger.
  • Must avoid setting your toshiba-tecra-m1-battery in the following place : high humidity and high temperature, Strong vibrative place, Dusty place.
  • More Info in Battery tips.

